PORTLAND, Ore. -- Dear interested citizens,
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation and Bonneville Power Administration, as colead agencies, are on track to issue the Columbia River System Operations draft rnvironmental impact statement by the end of February. The DEIS documents the evaluation of the impacts of the long-term, coordinated water management functions for the operation, maintenance and configuration of the 14 federal dam and reservoir projects that comprise the federal Columbia River System.
The co-lead agencies are developing the DEIS in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act in response to the need to review and update management of this system. This includes evaluating impacts to resources in the context of new information and changed conditions in the Columbia River basin. Information from this process will inform future decisions and allow for a flexible approach to meeting multiple responsibilities and complying with all applicable laws.
The co-lead agencies considered input from the public and tribal, state and local governments obtained during the scoping period and input from cooperating agencies during the development of the DEIS. The agencies applied screening criteria, such as technical feasibility, to develop a reasonable range of alternatives that meet EIS objectives and balance the multiple purposes of the 14 projects. The details of the alternatives evaluation, including a preferred alternative, will be available for review in the DEIS.
DEIS Review and Comment Opportunities
The public review and comment period for the DEIS will open for 45 days starting on the date the NEPA Notice of Availability is published in the Federal Register. Look for this notice on cdxnodengn.epa.gov/cdx-enepa-II/public/action/eis/search and here, on the project website: www.crso.info
Opportunities to access and review the document, details for providing comments, and the dates and locations for public comment meetings will be listed in the Notice of Availability and announced through email and other outreach efforts upon release of the DEIS. Written public comments will be accepted at the comment meetings, through postal mail and deliveries, and through an online comment platform. Verbal comment opportunities will be available at the comment meetings.
For more information about how to provide input, the co-lead agencies recommend that interested citizens read A Citizen’s Guide to the NEPA: Having your Voice Heard. A link to this document and additional information on development of the DEIS is available on the website: www.crso.info
To add your name to the project mailing list, send an email to info@crso.info or clearly provide your name and a postal mailing address on our message line at 800-290-5033. Please add the project email address to your contact list to help ensure project emails reach you.
Please note: Comments or other information you send to this email address or left on the message line are not maintained for the project record. Comments emailed to any of the co-lead agencies will not be entered into the record. Please use the other methods that will be posted on the website.
Thank you for your continued interest in the CRSO EIS.