Missouri Basin Update - March 3, 2020
System storage is 56.4 MAF; 16.0 MAF of flood control storage is available. All 2019 floodwaters were evacuated; System storage reached 56.0 MAF on January 22. We expect to see an increase in System storage this week from plains snowmelt in the upper Basin. Mountain snowpack is slightly above average (lower right quadrant). The 2020 calendar year forecast for the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, updated on March 2, is 36.9 MAF (143% of average). The Gavins Point release is currently 38,000 cfs, more than twice average for this time of year. Releases will be reduced to 35,000 cfs today (Tuesday) at 6:00 pm due to increased flows coming in from tributaries downstream of Gavins Point.