Centers of Expertise

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosts numerous Centers of Expertise including Mandatory Centers of Expertise, Technical Centers of Expertise, and Centers of Specialization. The professionals who make up these centers are among the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' top experts in specific subject areas.

Mandatory Centers of Expertise (MCX)

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Cost, Schedule and Risk ATR Review (Walla Walla District)

The Civil Works Cost Engineering and Agency Technical Review Mandatory Center of Expertise with Technical Expertise (TCX) duties is comprised of multiple levels of roles and responsibilities. These roles include items within a TCX that are structured to provide technical support and assistance, various cost tools, and resources to Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; division command or Major Subordinate Command and/or district command or operating MSC; and MSC elements on cost engineering issues. The cost center includes technical expertise related to cost product development including current regulations and guidance, estimate development, scheduling, and cost and schedule risk development. The MCX is structured to provide a mandatory agency technical review center and Support for Others Program for Civil Works Projects.


Fueling Systems (POL) (Omaha District)

The Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants Center is recognized by the Department of Defense as the authority for military fuel storage and delivery systems. The POL-MCX provides an all-inclusive Design Center with resources in technical guidance, construction placement, project management, project-specific training, and contract administration. The POL-MCX has served as the leader in high-volume fuel storage and delivery systems to military customers since the 1980s. The POL-MCX mission is capable of designing and implementing military fuel storage and delivery systems that reliably provide clean, dry, fuel safely to support the U.S. Military worldwide.


Protective Design Center (PDC) (Omaha District)

The Protective Design MCX maintains state-of-the-art technical expertise in, and provides expert support to mission areas including design to resist the effects of conventional weapons, nuclear weapons, and accidental explosions.  Facility design includes munition and ammunition storage, maintenance, and production; providing protection from chemical agents, biological agents, or radiological agents; and providing electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection and mitigating electronic emanations from systems processing classified data (TEMPEST).

The PDC also designs for security engineering, including physical security and force protection/anti-terrorism including threat and vulnerability assessments. The PDC may identify a need for electronic security systems (ESS) which are designed by the Electronic Security Systems MCX at the Engineering and Support Center in Huntsville, Alabama.


Transportation Systems Center (TSC) (Omaha District)

The MCX for Transportation Systems was established to support the Army's mission for training, operations, and mobilization by providing expertise in the planning, design, construction, evaluation, and criteria development of military airfields, roads, and railroads. The Transportation Systems Center was also established to provide continuity, standardization, and technical excellence within the Army and satisfy DOD customer requests.

 Hydroelectric Design Center (HDC) and Hydropower Analysis Center (HAC) (Portland District)

The Hydroelectric Design Center serves the Corps’ hydroelectric and large pumping plant missions. Project sizes vary and range from non-routine maintenance design to major rehabilitation and total plant design. It has extensive expertise in rehabilitation programs, testing of major equipment and systems, failure analysis, seismic design, power plant control and data acquisition, and more. The HDC also works with the Hydropower Analysis Center for power system operation analysis and economics. The HDC maintains the capability and proficiency required for planning, engineering, design, and developing criteria for all existing and new hydroelectric power plants and large flood control or water supply pumping plants.

Technical Centers of Expertise (TCX)

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Civil Works Cost  Engineering (Walla Walla District)

The Civil Works Cost Engineering and Agency Technical Review MCX with TCX duties is comprised of multiple levels of roles and responsibilities. These roles include items within a TCX that are structured to provide technical support and assistance, various cost tools, and resources to Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; division command or Major Subordinate Command and/or district command or operating MSC; and MSC elements on cost engineering issues. The cost center includes technical expertise related to cost product development including current regulations and guidance, estimate development, scheduling, and cost and schedule risk development. The MCX is structured to provide a mandatory agency technical review center and Support for Others Program for Civil Works Projects.


Construction Equipment/Cost Index Database (Walla Walla District)

The Construction Equipment/Cost Index Database Directory of Expertise is established to provide the sole government source of technical data in construction equipment cost methodology in the MCACES environment for the development of all planning, design and contract award cost estimates, as well as construction modifications and claims. The center provides guidance on the use the Civil Works Construction Cost Index System.


Historic Building and Structure Preservation (Seattle District)

The Center's work includes the following preservation services: • Architectural Services • Consultation and assistance on all architectural, legal, and technical issues regarding preservation • Project Plans & Specifications • Material Science • Training & Workshops • Structural Analysis • Inventories & Evaluations • Recordation & Documentation • Maintenance Plans • Compliance Assistance • Preservation Studies • Historic Landscape Preservation • National Register Nominations The Center also liaises between the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the National Park Service, and other various preservation organizations along with state and local governments.


Interior Design and Space Planning (Omaha District)

The Interior Design TCX was established in 1988 to provide customer-focused emphasis on professional interior design services and a growing need to support Headquarters, US Army Corps of Engineers. The Interior Design TCX provides state-of-the-art technical expertise, technical support and coordination with other agencies and technical design services and advisory assistance to Corps Districts and Divisions. The Interior Design TCX provides building-related and furniture-related interior design services including space planning color selection, furniture cost estimates, window treatments, signage and wayfinding, and more.


Rapid Response (RR) (Omaha District)

Through preplaced contracts for Environmental Services (Rapid Response Environmental Services) and Construction (Rapid Disaster and Infrastructure) contracts, the Rapid Response TCX provides time-sensitive project support. The Rapid Response program was established in 1989 providing time-critical responses across the nation including response and project execution, rapid response project initiation for transition to the host District for final execution, cost-reimbursable contract management training, cost-reimbursable contract oversight assistance, on-site support within 72-hours of receipt of funding, on-site support to USACE Team and other Federal Agencies.


Roller Compacted Concrete (Portland District and Walla Walla District)

The Roller Compacted Concrete Technical Center of Expertise, hosted within the Portland and Walla Walla districts, provides engineering, materials science and construction consulting services to other Corps districts and federal agencies. The TCX team maintains state-of-the-art RCC expertise and facilitates the transfer of technology and knowledge to practicing engineers via design manuals, codes and criteria documents and training.

As Corps infrastructure continues to age, the maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement of structures provides an opportunity for cost-effective RCC alternatives. The TCX team stands ready to sustain staffing and expertise to meet future RCC demands from the Corps’ multi-purpose civil works and water resource projects to ensure the proper project execution and taxpayer investment.


Welding and Metallurgy (Portland District)

Welding and Metallurgy Technical Center of Expertise (TCX) provides technical services and maintains state-of-the-art expertise for welding and fabrication projects for other Corps districts and other federal agencies. The WMTCX facilitates the transfer of technology and expertise to practicing engineers via design manuals, codes and criteria documents and training courses.

Centers of Standardization (COS)

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Access Control Points (Omaha District)


Religious Facilities (Omaha District)

About the Northwestern Division's Centers of Expertise

Walla Walla District cost engineers provide expertise and support to FEMA and other federal agencies
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