Get the latest information from the Missouri River Water Management Division 

Missouri River Water Management


Current Conditions

This page provides access to current water resources information. This data is updated at one to four hour intervals.

The daily river and reservoir bulletins are updated each morning. The river stages and flows are 6:00 a.m. data. The raw reservoir data is reviewed by MRBWM staff each morning, average daily inflows are computed, and information is populated in the bulletins by 10:00 a.m. each morning.

Missouri River Mainstem and Major Tributary DCP Plots

 Upper Missouri River Basin  Lower Missouri River Basin

Missouri River Basin DCP Station Plots Used in Forecast

 Gavins Point to Omaha  Rulo to Waverly

Omaha to Rulo  Waverly to Mouth 

About the Missouri River Water Management Division

The Missouri River Water Management Division is a forward-operating office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division.

Submit questions to the Water Management team or get added to our monthly email update.

To contact the office, please email or call: 402-996-3841