News Releases

Archive: March, 2017
  • Update on Columbia River System Operations EIS Scoping Comments

    More than 2,300 people attended a series of public meetings and webinars provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Power Administration, and the Bureau of Reclamation (Action Agencies) regarding the environmental impact statement (EIS) the Action Agencies are developing for the operations and maintenance of the Columbia River System (CRSO EIS).
  • Ice Harbor Dam’s navigation lock returns to service; Little Goose remains on schedule for April 2 reopening

    LOWER SNAKE RIVER, Washington – Ice Harbor Dam's navigation lock, located at Snake River Mile 9.7 near Burbank, Washington, returned to service at 11:59 p.m., on Thursday, March 23, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials in the Walla Walla District.
  • Corps and others continue to monitor and manage Columbia Basin river and reservoir levels

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division, in coordination with its Portland, Seattle, and Walla Walla Districts as well as B.C. Hydro, Bonneville Power Administration, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the National Weather Service’s, Northwest River Forecast Center, and others are continuing to monitor river conditions across the Columbia River Basin.
  • Corps closely monitoring Columbia Basin river and reservoir levels

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is monitoring Columbia Basin flood events encompassing the Seattle, Portland and Walla Walla districts areas of responsibility on the Columbia River. Columbia Basin Water Management Division initiated emergency flood risk management protocols this week due to a Flood Warning issued by the National Weather Service for the lower Columbia River.
  • February runoff above average; Public meetings scheduled for April 11-13

    Runoff in the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa, was 2.4 million acre feet (MAF) during February, 219 percent of average. “Warm temperatures melted much of the plains snowpack that had accumulated throughout the winter in the upper Missouri River basin resulting in above average runoff during February,” said Jody Farhat, chief of the Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) Missouri River Basin Water Management Division. Only small areas in central North Dakota have significant plains snowpack remaining. Areas of eastern Montana and central Wyoming have less than an inch of liquid content in their remaining snowpack, and little or no snow remains elsewhere in the Dakotas. “Runoff from plains snowmelt that would normally occur in March and April started early this year and some has already entered the reservoir system,” said Farhat. “Additionally, warm temperatures released water that had been locked up in river ice, contributing to higher than average February runoff.”