News Releases

Archive: December, 2016
  • Tribal interests represented on Missouri River committee

    The Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC) met here Nov. 15-17 to receive an overview of the Missouri River Recovery Program’s (MRRP) draft Missouri River Recovery Management Plan-Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), scheduled for public release in December, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). Tribes were represented by Dr. Emerson Bullchief, Crow Nation; Dr. Andrea Hunter, Osage Nation; Dr. Kelly Morgan, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe; Alan Kelley, Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska; Elizabeth Wakeman, Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe; Reno Red Cloud, Oglala Sioux Tribe; and Shannon Wright, Ponca Tribe of Nebraska.
  • Missouri River committee prepares for draft EIS release

    The Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC) met here Nov. 15-17 to receive an overview of the Missouri River Recovery Program’s (MRRP) draft Missouri River Recovery Management Plan-Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), scheduled for public release in December, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The EIS describes management actions intended to ensure that operations of the Missouri River system will not jeopardize three species listed under the Endangered Species Act. The committee heard reports from its two expert advisory panels on the technical soundness of sections of the EIS. There was strong emphasis on models that identify the economic impacts of various alternative management strategies being considered by the Corps. They use these models to help determine a preferred alternative.
  • Federal Agencies to Host Two Webinars December 13 for Columbia River System Operations EIS

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration will host two public scoping webinars December 13 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 3 to 4:30 p.m. PST on the operation of 14 federal hydropower projects in the Columbia River Basin.