News Releases

Tag: navigation
  • Gavins Point Dam releases reduced to winter release rate on November 23

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began reducing the Gavins Point releases to the winter release rate on November 23 with the navigation flow support season ending on December 1 at St. Louis, MO. “Releases from Gavins Point Dam were reduced from 35,000 cubic feet per second to 13,000 cfs by mid-December,” said John Remus, chief of the USACE, Missouri River Water Management Division. “We will closely monitor river conditions, and releases will be adjusted to the extent practical to lessen the impacts of river ice formation on stages in the lower river.”
  • Gavins Point Dam releases to be reduced to winter release rate

    Gavins Point Dam releases will be reduced in late November as flow support to navigation ends. Releases are currently 32,000 cubic feet per second. “We will continue to make releases from Gavins Point Dam to provide flow support at an intermediate service level, 1,500 cfs less than full service, through the end of the navigation flow support season,” said John Remus, chief of the USACE, Missouri River Water Management Division.  “The flow support season will end on Dec. 1 at the mouth of the Missouri River.”
  • Reminder for Missouri River Basin fall public meetings

    This is a reminder that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host its fall public meeting series for the Missouri River Basin November 7-9, 2023. These public meetings are held each spring and fall across the Missouri River Basin and provide an update on current year's runoff and reservoir operations, as well as planned operations for the next year's runoff season.
  • September runoff near average; Drought conditions continue in Missouri River Basin

    The month of September brought mixed results for precipitation across the Missouri River Basin. Portions of Montana, North and South Dakota, and Nebraska received above average rainfall, while the remainder of the upper basin and lower basin were below average. Overall, September runoff in the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa was 1.3 million acre-feet, 109% of the long-term average. The annual runoff forecast for the upper Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, IA is 29.1 MAF, 113% of average and the same as last month’s forecast.
  • Now Available: Draft Missouri River Operating Plan; Possible Fort Peck test flow; Fall public meeting schedule

    Ahead of fall public meetings, the Draft Missouri River Mainstem Reservoir System Annual Operating Plan for the 2023-2024 runoff season is now available for public comment. The public comment period on the draft plan will close Nov. 30. 
  • Gavins Point winter release slightly above minimum rate

    Rainfall in the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa, was above normal for the month of August, resulting in above average runoff. However, due to drier-than-normal conditions in previous years, the total storage in the Missouri River mainstem reservoir system remains lower than normal. Based on the Sept. 1 system storage, winter releases from Gavins Point Dam will be 13,000 cubic feet per second, per the criteria in the Master Manual. This release rate is slightly above the minimum rate of 12,000 cfs.