DRAFT Agenda
Walla Walla District and Portland District Navigation Meeting
Port of Morrow SAGE Center
101 Olson Rd, Boardman, OR 97818
27 May 2015
10 AM – 3 PM
Sign In and Seating
1000: Start Meeting
Audio/Visual Check with teleconferencing participants
Audience Introductions
Welcoming Remarks – Walla Walla District
Welcoming Remarks –Portland District
1030 -1200 Lock and Channel Maintenance Activities 2015
Portland District - Mike Ott
Navigation Concerns Mouth of the Columbia River (MCR) to Bonneville
Dredging at The Dalles
Survey plans
Walla Walla - FY15 Dredging Overview and Survey Plans – Jeannette Wilson
Meet the new Northwestern Division Columbia Basin Water Management Chief – Steven Barton
March 2015 Navigation Lock Maintenance Outage Overview
Portland District - Dwane Watsek
The Dalles
John Day
Walla Walla District - Rick Werner
Ice Harbor
Lower Monumental
Little Goose
Lower Granite
1200-1300 – Lunch (See order information below. PLEASE GET YOUR ORDER TO SHERYL CARRUBBA BY 18 MAY!)
1300 - 1500 FY17 Extended Navigation Lock Outage
Extended Outage Timeline - Sheryl Carrubba
2010 Outage Experience from a Stake Holder’s Perspective – Kristin Meira
Planning and Preparations for FY17 Extended Outage– Jeannette Wilson
FY17 Extended Navigation Outage Projects
Portland District
The Dalles – Jeff Ament
Walla Walla District
Ice Harbor – Matt Zanger
Lower Monumental– Steve Hartman
Little Goose– Jason Williams
McNary – Steve Hartman
Communications Plan– Sheryl Carrubba
1500 Wrap-Up and Closing Remarks
We are planning to have audio and web access through AT&T Teleconferencing.
The toll free phone line: 888-363-4734 Access code: 7064926 Password: 3415
The web access is: https://www.webmeeting.att.com
Meeting Number: 888-363-4734 Access code: 7064926 Password: 3415
If you have never accessed a meeting through ATT before, you may want to log on a few minutes prior to the meeting so you can download their meeting software.
Box Lunches Option
Box Lunches* will be ordered from Dickey’s BBQ in Pendleton for attendees who reply to sheryl.a.carrubba@usace.army.mil with an order form, by 15 May. Payment is due at the meeting when you check in. The cost is $11.
Dickey’s Big BBQ sandwich (pick one meat)
___ Beef Brisket
___ Southern Pulled Pork
___ Chicken Breast
Sides (pick one)
___ Dill Potato Salad
___ Creamy Coleslaw
___ Barbecue Beans
___ Mac & Cheese
*Meals also include a cookie, potato chips and a drink