Walla Walla District and Portland District Navigation Meeting

Published May 11, 2015

DRAFT Agenda

Walla Walla District and Portland District Navigation Meeting

Port of Morrow SAGE Center

101 Olson Rd, Boardman, OR 97818

27 May 2015

10 AM – 3 PM


Sign In and Seating

1000: Start Meeting

Audio/Visual Check with teleconferencing participants

Audience Introductions

Welcoming Remarks – Walla Walla District

Welcoming Remarks –Portland District

1030 -1200 Lock and Channel Maintenance Activities 2015

Portland District - Mike Ott

Navigation Concerns Mouth of the Columbia River (MCR) to Bonneville

Dredging at The Dalles

Survey plans

Walla Walla  - FY15 Dredging Overview and Survey Plans – Jeannette Wilson

Meet the new Northwestern Division Columbia Basin Water Management Chief – Steven Barton

March 2015 Navigation Lock Maintenance Outage Overview


Portland District - Dwane Watsek


                The Dalles

                John Day

Walla Walla District - Rick Werner


                 Ice Harbor

                 Lower Monumental

                 Little Goose

                Lower Granite

1200-1300 – Lunch (See order information below. PLEASE GET YOUR ORDER TO SHERYL CARRUBBA BY 18 MAY!)

1300 - 1500 FY17 Extended Navigation Lock Outage

Extended Outage Timeline  - Sheryl Carrubba

2010 Outage Experience from a Stake Holder’s Perspective – Kristin Meira

Planning and Preparations for FY17 Extended Outage– Jeannette Wilson

FY17 Extended Navigation Outage Projects

       Portland District

           The Dalles – Jeff Ament


       Walla Walla District

           Ice Harbor – Matt Zanger

           Lower Monumental– Steve Hartman

           Little Goose– Jason Williams

           McNary – Steve Hartman

Communications Plan– Sheryl Carrubba


1500 Wrap-Up and Closing Remarks


We are planning to have audio and web access through AT&T Teleconferencing.


The toll free phone line:   888-363-4734    Access code:  7064926    Password: 3415

The web access is:   https://www.webmeeting.att.com

Meeting Number:   888-363-4734       Access code:  7064926            Password: 3415

If you have never accessed a meeting through ATT before, you may want to log on a few minutes prior to the meeting so you can download their meeting software.

Box Lunches Option

Box Lunches* will be ordered from Dickey’s BBQ in Pendleton for attendees who reply to sheryl.a.carrubba@usace.army.mil with an order form, by 15 May.  Payment is due at the meeting when you check in. The cost is $11.

Dickey’s Big BBQ sandwich   (pick one meat)

 ___ Beef Brisket

 ___ Southern Pulled Pork

 ___ Chicken Breast

 Sides (pick one)

 ___ Dill Potato Salad

 ___ Creamy Coleslaw

 ___ Barbecue Beans

 ___ Mac & Cheese

 *Meals also include a cookie, potato chips and a drink