Citizen’s Guide to ESA Accomplishments

Columbia River System Operations EIS
Published Nov. 22, 2019
A multi-year improvement project on the Lemhi River in southeast Idaho included water transactions, land acquisition and habitat restoration.

A multi-year improvement project on the Lemhi River in southeast Idaho included water transactions, land acquisition and habitat restoration.

For highlights of eight years of accomplishments to protect and conserve ESA-listed salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin, read the 2016 Citizen’s Guide. The guide describes efforts to expand the distribution and abundance of Columbia and Snake river salmon and steelhead by making multipurpose federal dams safer for fish, removing barriers to fish migration in tributaries, reducing the time it takes juvenile fish to travel downstream, managing predators, and restoring tributary and estuary habitat.

The 2016 Citizen’s Guide is available at's-guidee56923bab16b6cf0b057ff00002e0fb7.pdf?sfvrsn=0.

The complete Federal Columbia River Power System 2016 Comprehensive Evaluation and additional information on work by federal agencies operating in the Columbia River Basin to promote recovery of native fish and wildlife listed under the Endangered Species Act is available at