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Columbia River System Operations EIS
Published May 16, 2019
Adult fish passage facilities include one ladder with entrances on both shores and a fish channel through the spillway, which connects to the powerhouse fish collection system and south shore ladder. Modifications to improve adult Pacific Lamprey passage include ladder improvements, passage structures and installation of metal plating to assist lamprey upstream.

Adult fish passage facilities include one ladder with entrances on both shores and a fish channel through the spillway, which connects to the powerhouse fish collection system and south shore ladder. Modifications to improve adult Pacific Lamprey passage include ladder improvements, passage structures and installation of metal plating to assist lamprey upstream.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is committed to fish recovery and improving technology like the water cooling systems at Little Goose and Lower Granite locks and dams. Learn about one of the many ways the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is pioneering some of the most advanced fish recovery technology regarding environmental stewardship.

Fish and water temperature

Some reservoirs stratify (warm water stays on top, while cold water sinks to the bottom). Water from these reservoirs can sometimes be used to help manage temperature conditions for aquatic species downstream. Depending on the time of year, warmer or cooler water can be released to help manage downstream temperatures.

Read more about how reservoirs help manage river temperatures. 

The video below, with animation, has information about fish cooling systems at two lower Snake River dams.

This video shares one of the many ways the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is pioneering some of the most advanced fish recovery technology regarding environmental stewardship including improving technology like the water cooling systems at Little Goose and Lower Granite locks and dams.