US Army Corps of Engineers
Northwestern Division Website

News Releases

Category: Water Management - Missouri River
  • Fall public meetings on Missouri River operations set for Oct. 22-25

    Seven public meetings will be conducted throughout the basin Oct. 22-25. The purpose of these meetings is to update the region on current hydrologic conditions and review operation of the mainstem reservoir system. Presenters include staff from the National Weather Service and the USACE Missouri River Water Management Division.
  • Corps hosts call to update stakeholders on reservoir storage plans

    Record rains in the Upper Missouri Basin during the first two weeks of September, has prompted changes to releases from the Missouri River Mainstem dams. An ad-hoc conference call was held Monday, Sept. 16, to provide an update to basin stakeholders. About 100 callers representing elected officials, emergency managers, levee sponsors and the media participated on the call.
  • Releases from Gavins Point Dam changing

    Recent rains are bringing more changes to releases from the Missouri River Mainstem System of dams. According to the National Weather Service, rainfall during first two weeks of September have brought between 200 and 600% of normal rainfall over the entire Missouri River Basin. The NWS has issued river several river flood alerts and warnings.  In response to these changing conditions the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is planning the following changes to the releases at Gavins Point Dam.  Intra-system releases will be adjusted to account for the changes at Gavins Point Dam. 
  • Updated 3-week forecast keeps Gavins Point releases at 70,000 cfs; inter-system adjustments being made

    Increased rainfall over parts of South Dakota in the past few days are causing increased inflows at Fort Randall and coming into Gavins Point from the Niobrara River. To offset some of these inflows, release adjustments are being made at Oahe, Big Bend and Fort Randall Dams.
  • Releases from all System projects to remain at high levels for the remainder of summer and fall; Public meetings set for October 22-25

    Widespread and heavy rainfall in the Missouri River basin above Sioux City, IA (upper basin) resulted in another month of above average runoff. Precipitation during August was more than 150 percent of normal in eastern Montana, portions of North Dakota, much of South Dakota and Nebraska. As a result, the Fort Randall and Gavins Point reaches experienced their wettest Augusts on record, while the Sioux City and Oahe reaches were second and third, respectively.
  • Weekly Missouri Basin flood response update – 8/22

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers emergency and water management officials held a call August 22 to communicate to Midwest Congressional representatives, Tribal, state and local government officials (including levee sponsors and emergency managers) an update of current runoff conditions, system storage and a status of flooding response and recovery activities. Of note, maintenance work at Oahe will require flows to be divided between the power plant and the regulating tunnels.
  • Weekly Missouri Basin flood response update for key stakeholders – 8/15

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers emergency and water management officials held a call August 15 to communicate to Midwest Congressional representatives, Tribal, state and local government officials (including levee sponsors and emergency managers) an update of current runoff conditions, system storage and a status of flooding response and recovery activities.
  • Weekly Missouri Basin flood response update for key stakeholders – 8/8

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers emergency and water management officials held a call August 8 to communicate to Midwest Congressional representatives, Tribal, state and local government officials (including levee sponsors and emergency managers) an update of current runoff conditions, system storage and a status of flooding response and recovery activities.
  • System storage has peaked; Gavins Point releases to remain at high levels into fall

    System storage peaked at 68.5 million acre feet (MAF) on July 20. Widespread and heavy rainfall in the upper Missouri River basin (above Sioux City) resulted in another month of above average runoff. Areas of Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska received two to three times normal precipitation during July. July runoff in the upper basin was 7.0 MAF, which is 213%of average. The average July runoff is 3.3 MAF. Runoff remained particularly high in the reaches from Garrison Dam in North Dakota to Sioux City, Iowa, which ranged between three to seven times average.
  • Weekly Missouri Basin flood response update for key stakeholders – 8/1

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers emergency and water management officials held a call August 1 to communicate to Midwest Congressional representatives, Tribal, state and local government officials (including levee sponsors and emergency managers) an update of current runoff conditions, system storage and a status of flooding response and recovery activities.