News Releases

Category: Water Management - Missouri River
  • Next phase of Fort Peck flow test delayed

    The second peak from Fort Peck Dam was initially scheduled to begin tomorrow, June 13 but will be delayed until at least June 17.
  • May runoff slightly above average; Fort Peck flow test continues

    Active rainfall patterns across the Midwest provided much needed moisture to several portions of the Missouri River Basin. Large areas of Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, eastern South Dakota, and eastern Nebraska received more than 200% of normal precipitation for the month of May. However, central South Dakota, western Nebraska, and eastern Colorado received as little as 25% of normal precipitation.
  • Missouri River Basin runoff forecast improves but remains below average; Fort Peck Flow Test underway

    As warmer weather moves into the Missouri River Basin, spring precipitation brought some much-needed moisture throughout the basin. For the month of April, runoff was 2.1 million acre-feet, 71% of average, for the basin above Sioux City, Iowa. The annual runoff forecast for the upper Missouri River Basin above Sioux City is 19.2 MAF, 75% of average, and 1.7 MAF higher than last month’s forecast.
  • Weekly calls designed to keep public updated on status of Fort Peck test flows

    Beginning Weds., April 24, the Missouri River Water Management Division will host weekly virtual meetings to provide updates on the status of test flows from Fort Peck Dam in Montana. Test flows to comply with the 2018 Biological Opinion will begin Fri., April 26. Calls will be held each Wednesday, at 1 p.m. Central Time, (12 p.m. Mountain Time) Information on accessing the public meetings can be found at
  • Upper basin runoff forecast improves, remains below average; Fort Peck test flows to begin in late April

    The latest 2024 calendar year runoff forecast for the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa
  • Missouri River Basin spring public meetings announced

    Public Meetings are held each spring and fall across the Missouri River basin. Upper Basin spring public meetings will be held the week of March 25 in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana.