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Columbia River

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Columbia Basin Reports and Briefings

Project Data

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 Yearly Project Data
ALF Albeni Falls Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
CHJ Chief Joseph Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
CHL Chelan Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
DET Detroit Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
DWR Dworshak Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
FOS Foster Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
FRN Fern Ridge Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
GCL Grand Coulee Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
HAH Howard Hanson Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
HGH Hungry Horse Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
IHR Ice Harbor Forebay - Inflow Outflow
LIB Libby Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
LOS Lost Creek Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
ROS Ross Forebay Storage Inflow Outflow
 Agency Specific Data
  - BC Hydro Data
  • Libby, Albeni Falls, and Grand Coulee data: CWMS | CDB
  - Bonneville Power Admin. Data
The website you will be taken to is a USACE website.

The website you will be taken to is a USACE website. 

CAFE Historical Files

These files may be of use in correlating new data with historical CAFÉ data.

Historical Data

These files represent historical data for the period-of-record stored by the Corps of Engineers, through June 30, 2009.
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The website you will be taken to is a USACE website.
 Columbia River Basin Datasets
 Hourly generation data - Period-of-record through 6/30/2009

These files represent hourly generation data for the period-of-record stored by the Corps of Engineers, through 30-Jun-2009 for the following projects:

Individual files are gzipped (, and are also all contained in a single .zip archive.

For data from 1-Jul-2009 to the present, see our dataquery program.

 Water Year Reports

Each .zip file contains multiple PDF files for the given water year. Right click to download the file.