News Releases

Tag: rainfall
  • Reservoir release changes at Fort Randall and Gavins Point dams

    Excessive rainfall in eastern South Dakota, northeastern Nebraska, and northwestern Iowa, has led to increased runoff downstream of Gavins Point Dam. The lower releases will begin today, and will continue through June 23. Because of the lower releases, the pool elevation at Gavins Point Dam will increase about 2 feet. The elevation as of midnight, June 21, was 1207.1 feet.
  • Corps decreases runoff forecast due to lower than normal mountain snowpack

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Missouri River Basin Water Management Division is decreasing the annual runoff forecast for the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa, to 20.3 million acre feet (MAF), which is 80 percent of normal and 4.9 MAF less than average. The decreased forecast is due to below normal mountain snowpack and the lack of plains snow in the basin.
  • Corps increases releases due to cold temperatures; normal runoff forecast for 2015

    The U.S Army Corps of Engineers Missouri River Water Management Office increased releases from Gavins Point Dam from 17,000 to 20,000 cubic feet per second in late December and early January to offset water lost to ice formation in response to forecasts of cold temperatures.