OMAHA, Neb. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Missouri River Basin Water Management Division will hold five public meetings in late October to discuss the draft 2014-2015 Annual Operating Plan for the Missouri River Mainstem Reservoir System.
The public meetings will include a presentation from the Corps regarding 2014 operations and plans for managing the reservoir system in 2015, followed by a question and answer session. There will also be an opportunity for members of the public and stakeholders to speak one-on-one with Corps officials.
The public meetings will be conducted at the following times and locations:
Monday, Oct. 27 –
Fort Peck, Mont.
Start time: 6 p.m.
Fort Peck Interpretative Center
Lower Yellowstone Rd.
Tuesday, Oct. 28 –
Bismarck, ND
Start time: 11 a.m.
Bismarck Civic Center
315 S. 5th St.
Wednesday, Oct. 29 –
Smithville, Mo.
Start time: 11 a.m.
Jerry Litton Visitor Center
16311 DD Hwy
Tuesday, Oct. 28 –
Pierre, SD
Start time: 6 p.m.
Capitol Lake Visitor Center
500 E. Capitol Ave.
Wednesday, Oct. 29 –
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Start time: 6 p.m.
Western Historic Trails Center
3434 Richard Downing Ave.
The draft 2014-2015 Annual Operating Plan anticipates serving all of the authorized project purposes, including flood control, navigation, hydropower, water supply, water quality control, irrigation, recreation and fish and wildlife, including threatened and endangered species. The draft Annual Operating Plan is available on the Corps’ website at:
Comments on the draft plan will be taken during the series of public meetings. Written and email comments will be accepted through November 21, 2014. Email comments should be sent to:
The reservoir system will start the 2015 runoff season at the base of the annual flood control pool, providing the full 16.3 million acre-feet (MAF) of flood control storage. The base of the annual flood control pool is the desired operating zone for the system because it allows the Corps to provide good levels of service to all eight of the congressionally authorized purposes.
“As a result of this fall’s increased water supply, the Missouri River navigation season length has been extended by 10 days and the service level increased in accordance with the guidelines in the Missouri River Master Manual,” said Jody Farhat, chief of the Missouri River Water Management Division. “Current releases from Gavins Point Dam will evacuate the stored flood waters in the reservoirs and fully prepare the system for the 2015 runoff season.”
View daily and forecast reservoir and river information on the Water Management section of the Northwestern Division homepage at