SIOUX CITY, Iowa -- The video of the spring public meeting held in Sioux City, Iowa on April 10, 2019. There are three separate videos.
Part 1 - John Remus opens the April spring public meeting for the operation of the Missouri River Mainstem System in Sioux City, Iowa on April 10, 2019.
He discusses the meeting format, introduces his staff and turns the meeting over to Kevin Low from the National Weather Service, Missouri Basin River Forecast Canter. Kevin Low discusses the forecasts issued by his office, how the March 2019 storm was forecast and tracked and provides a climate update looking forward for the year.
Part 2 - Kevin Grode provides an overview of the Missouri River Mainstem System of Dams and the purposes they serve. He breaks down the drainage areas for runoff into each reservoir as well as the unregulated tributaries. He also discusses how annual runoff is captured, stored and released. Finally, he covers the operation of Gavins Point Dam during the mid-March storm.
Part 3 - Mike Swenson presents the runoff forecast for the upper and lower end of potential runoff scenarios for the Missouri River basin upstream from Sioux City, Iowa. Presentation also covers how reservoir operations will serve the 8 authorized purposes.
The videos are available from the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service.
Release no. 19-035