Missouri River Basin Weekly Update - July 3
System storage is currently 68.0 MAF, 11.9 MAF above the base of the Annual Flood Control and Multiple Use Zone. More than 25 percent of the 16.3 MAF of designated flood control storage remains available to capture runoff from mountain snowmelt and rainfall runoff. Pool levels for Fort Peck and Garrison reservoirs are in their respective Exclusive Flood Control Zones (EFCZ). Most of the mountain snowpack has melted. System storage is expected to peak in mid July. On June 25th, the service level was increased from 50,000 cfsto 60,000 cfs(25,000 cfsabove full service). The calendar year runoff forecast for the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, updated on July 2nd, is 39.8 MAF (157% of average). Gavins Point releases are currently 30,000 cfs, and will be increased as downstream conditions permit.