News Releases

Archive: October, 2019
  • Corps begins spillway gate rehabilitation work at Detroit Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will perform spillway gate rehabilitation work at Detroit Dam from Friday, Nov. 1 through Feb. 15, 2020.
  • Missouri Basin flood response update – 10/11

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers emergency and water management officials held a call Oct. 10 to communicate to Midwest Congressional representatives, Tribal, state and local government officials (including levee sponsors and emergency managers) an update of current runoff conditions, system storage and a status of flooding response and recovery activities.
  • Releases from Missouri River projects to remain at high levels for fall and winter; Public meetings set for Oct. 22-25

    Widespread and heavy rainfall in the Missouri River basin above Sioux City, IA (upper basin) resulted in another month of much above average runoff. Precipitation during September was more than 200 percent of normal in eastern Montana, much of North Dakota, portions of South Dakota and northern Nebraska. As a result, September runoff into the upper basin above Sioux City, was nearly twice the record runoff, which was recorded in 1986.