News Releases

Tag: Salmon Recovery
  • Partners united for salmon, steelhead and lamprey extend Columbia Basin Fish Accords

    States, tribes, and three federal agencies continue to work side by side for the good of endangered salmon and steelhead as they extend the historic Columbia Basin Fish Accords for up to four more years. The original agreements, signed in 2008, provided states and tribes more than $900 million to implement projects benefitting salmon, steelhead, and other fish and wildlife, and $50 million for Pacific lamprey passage improvements at federal dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers.
  • Corps begins spring fish operations

    Portland, Ore. — On April 3, the U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers (Corps) began implementing its 2016
  • Corps begins spring fish operations

    In an effort to help young fish pass the dams safely to the ocean, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has begun implementing its 2015 Spring Fish Operations Plan. The FOP provides for spill at the four lower Snake River and four lower Columbia River dams to facilitate the timely and safe passage of juvenile salmon and steelhead. As specified in NOAA Fisheries’ 2014 Supplemental Biological Opinion, the FOP calls for spill to begin at the lower Snake River dams April 3 and lower Columbia River dams April 10. The annual plan, prepared by USACE, is coordinated with states, Tribes, and other federal agencies in the region.