News Releases

Tag: Fort Randall
  • Gavins Point releases lowered to 13,000 cfs

    Releases from Gavins Point Dam will average 13,000 cubic feet per second for Friday, June 28. The pool elevation at Gavins Point Dam is currently 1207.37 feet.
  • Keeping key stakeholders informed of regional response

    *** Corrected to say northwestern Iowa. *** Key stakeholders in the upper Midwest are staying informed with daily conference calls. These calls include runoff conditions and weather forecasts, reservoir release plans, and the Omaha and Kansas City Districts report details about support they are providing to local communities in the affected areas,
  • Inflows to Gavins Point reservoir appear to be peaking

    The latest update from the National Weather Service indicates that inflows into Gavins Point Dam appear to be peaking. The inflows into Gavins Point are currently 35,500 cubic feet per second from a peak of about 40,000 cfs earlier today. 
  • Missouri River water management public meeting presentations available online

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Missouri River Water Management Division has released four videos of presentations that would normally be given at public meetings held throughout the Missouri River Basin. In-person public meetings on Missouri River Mainstem Reservoir System operations originally scheduled for April were canceled to further reduce potential exposure to COVID-19. Instead, the agency will host virtual question and answer sessions in late April. A web page with the videos, a form for submitting questions, and call in dates and times is located here:
  • Missouri River Basin runoff remains above normal due to widespread rainfall

    Runoff in the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa for the month of June was 6.8 million acre feet (MAF), 125 percent of normal. The 2015 runoff forecast is 26.6 MAF, 105 percent of normal. Average annual runoff is 25.2 MAF. June precipitation was above normal across much of the Missouri River Basin, most notably in the western Dakotas, eastern Montana and eastern Wyoming. Heavy rain also fell in eastern Nebraska, northeastern Kansas and much of Missouri.
  • Corps reduces Missouri River dam releases to winter levels

    As part of the normal operation of the Mainstem Reservoir System, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Missouri River Basin Water Management Division has reduced releases from several Missouri River dams to winter levels.