News Releases

Missouri River Water Management to host Annual Operating Plan conference call

Missouri River Water Management Division
Published Oct. 23, 2013

The Missouri River Basin Water Management office will host a conference call Monday, Oct. 28 to take comments and answer questions from stakeholders regarding the 2013–2014 Draft Annual Operating Plan (AOP) for the Missouri River Mainstem System.

Five public meetings had been scheduled throughout the basin Oct. 8–10 but were cancelled due to the lapse of Federal appropriations. The continued budget uncertainty and long lead time required to schedule the meetings prohibited rescheduling the meetings this fall.

The conference call will include a brief overview of current basin conditions and plans for regulating the reservoir system in 2014 followed by a question and answer session. There are a limited number of lines available for the teleconference, so participants are encouraged to call in early.

The call-in details are as follows:


USA TOLL-FREE:  1-888-431-3632

ACCESS CODE: 4669515

The Corps website at includes a copy of the draft AOP. 

As previously announced, the comment period will remain open until Nov. 15. Comments may be emailed through the “Contact Us” link on the website, or mailed to the address below:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division

Attn: Missouri River Water Management

1616 Capitol Ave, Suite 365

Omaha, NE 68102

The final AOP will be released in December.

Michael Coffey

Release no. 13-025