OMAHA, Neb. -- The Missouri River Basin Water Management office is providing notice that the five public meetings scheduled throughout the basin Oct. 8-10 regarding the draft Annual Operating Plan (AOP) are cancelled due to the lapse of Federal appropriations.
“We value the opportunity these meetings normally provide to meet with stakeholders and answer their questions about our planned operation of the reservoir system,” said Jody Farhat, Chief of the Water Management office. “But unfortunately, these meetings are not considered a critical function during the government shutdown.” The meetings were originally scheduled for the following dates and locations: Oct.8 - Nebraska City, Neb. and Kansas City, Mo.; Oct. 9 - Fort Peck, Mont.; and Oct. 10 - Bismarck, N.D. and Pierre, S.D.
There are no plans to reschedule the meetings due to the continued budget uncertainty and long lead time required to schedule the series of meetings; however, once the lapse in appropriations has been resolved, a conference call will be scheduled to take comments and answer questions. Details will be provided in a news release and posted on the Corps website when available.
The Corps website at: includes a copy of the draft AOP; the presentation intended for use during the public meetings will be posted on Oct. 8. As previously announced, the comment period will remain open until Nov.15. Comments may be emailed through the “Contact Us” link on the website, or mailed to the address below:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division
Attn: Missouri River Water Management
1616 Capitol Ave, Suite 365
Omaha, NE 68102
The final AOP will be released in December.
Release no. 20131004-001