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US Army Corps of Engineers
Northwestern Division Website
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Northwestern Division - Quick Facts
Northwestern Division
Published May 16, 2012
Civil Works boundaries
All or parts of 12 States: WA, OR, ID, MT, WY, ND, SD, CO, IA, MO, NE, KS
Nearly 1 million square miles drained in Columbia and Missouri River basins
27 Investigations (studies)
34 projects in construction
115 projects operate/maintain
Real estate holdings: 2,584,745 acres
Military boundaries
14 states: OR, WA, ID, MT, WY, ND, SD, CO, NE, KS, MN, IA, MO, WI
Real estate: 1,843,870 acres
13 Army installations
13 Air Force installations
6 Space Force installations
Regional Resources
Fiscal Year 2011 workforce: 4,800 civilian, 25 military
Combined annual budget: $2.25 billion
Civil workload: $910 million
Military workload: $1.1 billion
Environmental: $870 million
Fiscal Year 2011 contracts obligated $2.2 billion; 4500 actions
Fiscal Year 2011$1.1 billion in small business awards
992 miles navigable on Columbia River Basin
735 miles navigable on Missouri River Basin
Total = 14 percent of U.S. inland waterways
5.4 percent of U.S. total waterborne tonnage
140 million tons of 2.6 billion tons shipped nationwide
10 locks in NWD of Corps’ 237 total locks
Columbia & Snake rivers: 8 locks
Willamette River: 1 lock
Lake Washington: 1 lock
Portas and Harbors
22 deep draft (>14 ft.) ports
20 shallow draft harbors
Material dredged: 18.9 million cubic yards
Two hopper dredges: Yaquina and Essayons
Flood Risk Management Projects
22 flood control projects in Columbia River Basin
53 flood control projects in Missouri River Basin
7 in other locations in the Pacific Northwest
NWD projects hold 35 percent of total Corps water storage capacity
115 million acre-feet of flood storage at NWD projects
1,440 miles of levees
255 local flood protection projects (flood walls, levees, channel improvements)
Construction costs for major flood control projects
Missouri River: $9.6 billion
Columbia River $2.5 billion
$91.2 billion in cumulative damages prevented since construction
$73.4 billion in Missouri River region ($7.6 billion in 2011 alone)
$17.8 billion in Pacific Northwest region
Native American Coordination
72 Indian reservations
105 Native American Nations
$6 million Cultural Resources program
64 lakes
755 recreation sites
55 visitor centers
515 boat ramps
9,500 campsites/430 group
11,550 miles of lakeshore
50 million visits in Fiscal Year 2011
Annual visitor expenditures: $1 billion; 13,000 jobs created or dependent on Corps recreation
4,900 site volunteers (contribution valued at $2 million)
Hydroelectric Power
29 plants on Columbia, Snake, and Missouri rivers
15,568 mega-watt capacity; 196 units;
Generate 75 million mega-watt hours electricity annually
Provide 36 percent of total electric capacity in Pacific Northwest
Provide 9 percent of total electric capacity in Missouri River region
NWD projects provide 75 percent of total Corps hydroelectric capacity
Supply electricity to 3 major power marketing agencies~ about $3 billion annually
Water Supply
19 municipal projects provide water to 3.5 million households
6.5 million acres irrigated by Columbia River
55,000 acres acres irrigated by Missouri River
Fish and Wildlife
$870 million total Fiscal Year 2011 ENV/IIS execution
$158 million Superfund projects
$58 million FUSRAP
$125 millionFUDS
$152 million IRP/BRAC
$5.4 million Environmental Interagency and International Support
$342 million Non-Environmental IIS
$29.7 million Environmental Quality
$128 million in Fiscal Year 2012 PBUD Columbia River Fish Mitigation Program
$73 million in Fiscal Year 2012 PBUD Missouri River Fish and Wildlife Program
Regulatory Programs
Emergency Response
$22.5 million program in 5 districts and 11 states
6,800 permits decisions issued (300 individual & 6,500general)
46 percent Individual permits made within target of 120 days
80 percent General permits made within target of 60 days
1031 Endangered Species Act consultations completed
1182 Tribal consultations completed
440 Historic properties consultations completed
8 major responses since 2006
Number deployed: 1,300 since 2006
$76 million spent in response & recovery
35 major rehab projects completed in 2011 ($101 million )
925 deployed to Middle East since 2006