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Columbia River

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Hydrologic Engineering & Power

The Power Team is the main functional element dealing with hydropower operational planning for Corps reservoirs in the Columbia River Basin. We develop annual hydropower operating plans for the Corps of Engineers, Canadian Treaty projects, and other Columbia River projects as required by the Columbia River Treaty and the Pacific Northwest Coordination Agreement. Short and long-range operational studies are performed using the Hydro System Seasonal Regulation (HYSSR) model to simulate various runoff and operating conditions.

Constantly refined procedures are used to address the complex, inter-related issues involving system operations for endangered and listed species, power generation, flood control, navigation, recreation, irrigation, water supply, and water quality. The Power Planning Team participates in the formulation of regional plans to recover anadromous Snake River salmon, Kootenai River white sturgeon, resident fish and other listed species. As such, it routinely performs model studies to evaluate the hydropower impacts of specific operational measures identified in the Biological Opinion. 

Hydrologic Engineering
The Hydrologic Engineering section manages flood risk for the Columbia Basin including operational guidance, long and short term studies, review and approval of operating manuals and any requested operational deviations in basin hydro projects.  

The Power Section, Water Management Division, is the main functional element dealing with hydropower operational planning for Corps reservoirs in the North Pacific Region. The Power Section primarily performs the following tasks:

  1. Develop hydro operating plans for Corps and Treaty reservoirs in the Columbia River Basin,
  2. Coordinate regional power planning studies,
  3. Support the activities of the Corps-BPA Joint Operating Committee,

Power Summary Reports

The website for Power Summary Reports you will be taken to is a USACE website. 

Historical Data

These files represent historical data for the period-of-record stored by the Corps of Engineers, through June 30, 2009.
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The website you will be taken to is a USACE website.
Expand List item 25541Collapse List item 25541  Columbia River Basin Datasets
Expand List item 23193Collapse List item 23193  Hourly generation data - Period-of-record through 6/30/2009

These files represent hourly generation data for the period-of-record stored by the Corps of Engineers, through 30-Jun-2009 for the following projects:

Individual files are gzipped (, and are also all contained in a single .zip archive.

For data from 1-Jul-2009 to the present, see our dataquery program.

Expand List item 23201Collapse List item 23201  Water Year Reports

Each .zip file contains multiple PDF files for the given water year. Right click to download the file.