Business With Us


Each district has Contracting and Small Business Offices. The Northwestern Division does not award contracts directly.  Contracts are awarded by districts within Northwestern Division. 

USACE Small Business program symbol. A disk with the United States Army Corps of Engineers' Traditional Castle surrounded by the words Small Business Program in gold on a light blue field. Inside that circle in gold on a black background are the words, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Small Business

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintains a strong commitment to our Small Business Program. Small Business is the heart of the U.S. economy and a vital part of the Corps' acquisition policy. The Northwestern Division fully supports the national policy of providing small and disadvantaged businesses the maximum opportunity to participate in our acquisitions. Each District has a Small Business Offices to coordinate acquisition activities with contracting.

Through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Small Business program, small businesses are provided opportunities to participate in procurements, thereby ensuring a broad base of capable suppliers to support the USACE mission and strengthen our nation's economic development. 

Small business professionals are available to advise and assist contracting, program managers, and requirements personnel on all matters that affect small buinesses in accordance with the government's policy of placing a fair proportion of contracts with qualified small, small disadvantaged, women owned, HUBZone, service disabled and veteran owned businesses. 

Contact us

Contracting: 503-808-3870

Small Business: 503-808-4000

Download our Brochure


Firms who feel they have been unfairly treated should contact:

  • Regulatory Enforcement Fairness,
  • Office of the National Ombudsman,
  • U.S. Small Business Administration
  • 409 3rd Street, S.W.
  • Washington, DC 20416
  • Tel: (886) 734-3247