News Releases

Archive: 2018
  • Higher inflows mean increased releases from Garrison Dam

    Releases from Garrison Dam are being stepped up from 44,000 cfs to 52,000 cfs. Releases will be increased over 3 days, reaching the 52,000 cfs rate on June 20. Releases are being increased due to a continuation of high inflows from the melting mountain snowpack and rainfall runoff. The 52,000 cfs release will result in a 1.5-foot river stage increase near Bismarck, from 10.5 feet to about 12.0 feet.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Releases Work Plan for Fiscal 2018 Civil Works Appropriations

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) delivered to Congress its Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2018) work plan for the Army Civil Works program on Thursday, June 7.
  • Garrison Dam releases increased

    In order to meet the 44,000 cfs release, the Garrison Project initiated releases of 3,000 cfs through its regulating tunnels. This release supplements the 41,000 cfs release through the power plant for a combined release of 44,000 cfs.
  • USACE Opens Updated National Levee Database

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) today opened the updated National Levee Database (NLD) for public access. The NLD is a living, dynamic information source that provides visualization and search capability on the location and condition of levee systems nationwide.
  • Higher than average releases from Missouri River Mainstem projects to continue

    Higher-than-average releases from all Missouri River System projects, including Gavins Point, will continue over the next several months. Gavins Point releases will be adjusted, when needed, in response to basin conditions. When necessary, the Corps will reduce releases from the System projects and utilize the available flood control space in the reservoirs, in order to lessen flooding downstream of all the projects. It is important to note that the ability to significantly reduce flood risk along the lower Missouri River diminishes at locations further downstream due to the large uncontrolled drainage area and the travel time from Gavins Point Dam. The 2018 runoff forecast in the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa, is 34.6 million acre feet (MAF), 136 percent of average.
  • CRSO EIS - Public Update Webinar

    An update webinar/conference call on developing the draft Environmental Impact Statement