News Releases

  • USACE seeks public comments on DAPL Draft Environmental Impact Statement

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers –Omaha District is seeking public comments on the recently published Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Dakota Access, LLC’s request for an easement under the Mineral Leasing Act for the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Dakota Access Pipeline crosses the Corps-managed federal land at Lake Oahe, North Dakota. The DEIS is not a decision and does not authorize the easement. This milestone is the second step in the National Environmental Policy Act environmental review process and will be followed by a Final Environmental Impact Statement. The Final Environmental Impact Statement will include public comments that were received during the Draft Environmental Impact Statement public review period.
  • Gavins Point winter release slightly above minimum rate

    Rainfall in the Missouri River Basin above Sioux City, Iowa, was above normal for the month of August, resulting in above average runoff. However, due to drier-than-normal conditions in previous years, the total storage in the Missouri River mainstem reservoir system remains lower than normal. Based on the Sept. 1 system storage, winter releases from Gavins Point Dam will be 13,000 cubic feet per second, per the criteria in the Master Manual. This release rate is slightly above the minimum rate of 12,000 cfs.
  • Drastic difference between air and water temperature could kill

    With the onset of record-breaking heat across much of the Pacific Northwest, it’s imperative that people wear life jackets while swimming, boating and fishing. While air temperatures may be high, water temperatures can be much lower and can be deadly, according to water safety statistics.
  • Missouri River Basin drought conditions persist

    July runoff in the Missouri River basin above Sioux City, Iowa was 3.3 million acre-feet (MAF), 99% of average. Runoff was near or above average in all reaches except the Fort Peck reach, which was 68% of average. The annual runoff forecast above Sioux City, IA is 28.5 MAF, 111% of average.
  • Gavins Point releases increased after System storage check

    Above average rainfall and fast-melting snow led to above average runoff in the upper Missouri River Basin in June. Runoff above Sioux City, Iowa was 6.7 million acre-feet, which is 122% of average. The annual runoff forecast above Sioux City, Iowa is 29.2 MAF, 114% of average, and about 2.4 MAF higher than last month’s forecast.
  • Rapid mountain snowmelt; above-average May runoff

    Warm temperatures in the mountainous region of the upper Missouri River Basin has led to a quick melt of the mountain snowpack. The rapid melting combined with precipitation in the western half of the Basin resulted in above-average inflow into the reservoir system. May runoff for the Basin above Sioux City, IA was 4.9 million acre-feet, 144% of average.