News Releases

Archive: August, 2020
  • Omaha District closes Missouri River Levee System L-536 breach near Corning, Missouri

    The Omaha District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, closed another breach along the Missouri River Levee System L-536, northwest of Corning, Missouri, Saturday.
  • Fort Peck releases to change slightly

    Releases from Fort Peck dam will be increased from 9,000 cubic feet per second to as much as 11,000 cfs to address conditions immediately downstream of the dam. Releases will begin increasing on Aug. 14, or once planned maintenance projects at the Fort Peck power house are completed.
  • Gavins Point releases to remain steady through August

    Below-normal precipitation in Montana and Wyoming during July resulted in slightly below-average July runoff in the upper Basin. The 2020 calendar year upper basin runoff forecast, updated on August 3, is 30.9 million acre-feet (MAF), 120% of average. Average annual runoff for the upper basin is 25.8 MAF.
  • Army Corps of Engineers announces proposal to renew and revise nationwide permits

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced today that it has prepared its proposal to renew and revise 52 nationwide permits for work in wetlands and other waters that are regulated by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. The proposal includes five new nationwide permits that pertain to authorizing seaweed mariculture activities, finfish mariculture activities, electric utility line and telecommunications activities, utility line activities for water and other substances, and water reclamation and reuse facilities.  A pre-publication copy of the proposal has been posted on the USACE web site at: