News Releases

Archive: September, 2024
  • Pacific Lamprey returns disappointing as compared to 2023, new structures offer hope

    After a prolific 2023, adult Pacific Lamprey returns are looking disappointing this year. So far, fish counters estimate only 22,021 (as of Sept. 14) lamprey have passed through Bonneville Lock and Dam’s fish ladders during daytime hours on their way upstream to spawn. Last year’s daytime fish ladder count was 63,937, which Northwestern Division touted in a news release, as it was much higher than the 10-year average.
  • Yes, the outlet tunnels at Oahe are releasing water

    A combination of planned maintenance and an unscheduled turbine outage at Oahe will result in outlet tunnel operations beginning today. Starting at 10 a.m. today, Sept. 16, the outlet tunnels at Oahe will be releasing 8,000 cubic feet per second of the daily average 31,300 cfs releases.
  • Gavins Point winter releases will be minimum rate

    Abnormally dry or drought conditions are currently present across 73% of the Basin, with drought conditions likely to persist or worsen through November. August runoff was 1.2 million acre-feet (MAF), 86% of average above Sioux City. The updated 2024 calendar year forecast for the upper Basin is 23.8 (MAF), 92% of average. Average annual runoff for the upper Basin is 25.7 MAF.